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Artificial intelligence: a strategic lever for recruitment and the digital sector
Artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from a futuristic concept to a ubiquitous reality, particularly with the advent of advanced language models like ChatGPT. This technological revolution, initially viewed with skepticism, is now recognized as a catalyst for productivity and innovation in
The search for meaning at work: a key factor in attracting and retaining talent in the digital sector
In today's working environment, the search for meaning at work has become a key criterion for many employees, particularly for younger generations such as millennials and Gen Z. Unlike previous generations, who favored
Success Stories

Junto: How do you recruit acquisition experts in a saturated market?
Recruter des experts Acquisition – « On fait face à un secteur très saturé et des recrutements qui vont demandés énormément de temps » Romane Richard, HRBP chez Junto – Agence marketing digital Romane, on ne peut que te comprendre ! Recruter

Saentys, recruitment of a Web Marketing Project Manager with digiRocks
Recrutement d’un chef de projet web marketing pour Saentys Contexte du recrutement Saentys – Dans le marché de niche de l’immobilier de luxe (tertiaire, résidentiel, placemaking), Saentys enregistre une forte croissance en Europe. Pour accompagner ce développement, l’agence recherche un

Junto recruits 3 acquisition experts
Junto muscle son équipe avec 3 nouveaux experts Acquisition Contexte du recrutement Junto – Agence à la pointe du Growth Marketing avec +100M€ d’investissements publicitaires gérés. Dans une logique de scale, Junto souhaite solidifier son expertise en Acquisition avec 3

Digital learning recruitment: digiRocks recruits 4 Talents for Coorpacademy by Go1
Recrutement digital learning : +60% de collaborateurs en 12 mois, comment suivre cette cadence de recrutement ? Contexte du recrutement Coorpacademy by Go1 – Pour être au fait des dernières tendances recrutement dans le secteur des EdTech (annonce de job
du recrutement
L'actu des candidats

How to find a good developer in 10 essential points
In today's ever-changing digital world, finding the right developer has become a major challenge for companies. At digiRocks, a recruitment agency specializing in IT & Digital profiles, we understand the importance of this quest. Here are 10 points

The 12 Types of Project Managers in Digital Transformation: How to Make the Right Choice when Recruiting
Digital transformation has become a major challenge for companies wishing to remain competitive in a world of constant technological change. At the heart of this transformation are Project Managers, the true conductors of digital initiatives.

Diversity and inclusion: performance drivers for the digital sector
In today's economic landscape, the importance of diversity and inclusion in business is more pronounced than ever. Research clearly shows that organizations with diverse teams outperform their less diverse counterparts in terms of performance, innovation and

Artificial intelligence: a strategic lever for recruitment and the digital sector
Artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from a futuristic concept to a ubiquitous reality, particularly with the advent of advanced language models like ChatGPT. This technological revolution, initially viewed with skepticism, is now recognized as a catalyst for productivity and innovation in

The search for meaning at work: a key factor in attracting and retaining talent in the digital sector
In today's working environment, the search for meaning at work has become a key criterion for many employees, particularly for younger generations such as millennials and Gen Z. Unlike previous generations, who favored

Quality of life at work: A strategic lever for attracting and retaining talent in the digital sector
In an increasingly competitive job market, quality of working life (QWL) has become an essential criterion for professionals, particularly in the digital sector. With a multitude of career opportunities available and

The importance of employer branding and recruiters' personal branding in digital recruitment
In a job market where digital talent is increasingly rare and coveted, companies' recruitment strategies must go beyond traditional methods. Employer branding and the personal branding of recruiters play a key role in this process.

Les actualités métiers
Beauty Tips and Tricks

How to find a good developer in 10 essential points
In today's ever-changing digital world, finding the right developer has become a major challenge for companies. At digiRocks, a recruitment agency specializing in IT & Digital profiles, we understand the importance of this quest. Here are 10 points

The 12 Types of Project Managers in Digital Transformation: How to Make the Right Choice when Recruiting
Digital transformation has become a major challenge for companies wishing to remain competitive in a world of constant technological change. At the heart of this transformation are Project Managers, the true conductors of digital initiatives.

Diversity and inclusion: performance drivers for the digital sector
In today's economic landscape, the importance of diversity and inclusion in business is more pronounced than ever. Research clearly shows that organizations with diverse teams outperform their less diverse counterparts in terms of performance, innovation and

Artificial intelligence: a strategic lever for recruitment and the digital sector
Artificial intelligence (AI) has gone from a futuristic concept to a ubiquitous reality, particularly with the advent of advanced language models like ChatGPT. This technological revolution, initially viewed with skepticism, is now recognized as a catalyst for productivity and innovation in
Glorious Fashion

Salary transparency: all salaries posted in the cafeteria?
Salary transparency: how much does Monique du 3ème earn? Today, let's talk about a subject that's getting people talking: salaries! Or rather, how transparent they are (or aren't). At digiRocks, we see all kinds of practices among our customers. Some

Video recruitment: the 3 benefits
Recruiting by video: what are the advantages? Whether at the start of the process or 100 % into the process, there are many advantages. 1 - Saving time The first is saving time. Imagine no need to book

Recruiting and motivating the best SEOs
Are GenZs to be considered Badass or Divas? Recruiting and motivating the best SEOs is a challenge in 2023! Hervé BOURDON demystifies the recruitment of young talent... Download the presentation here Presentation

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Watch Animag's Video Channel

Decorate Your Home

How to find a good developer in 10 essential points

The 12 Types of Project Managers in Digital Transformation: How to Make the Right Choice when Recruiting

Diversity and inclusion: performance drivers for the digital sector

Artificial intelligence: a strategic lever for recruitment and the digital sector